12-07-2017 Dr. Guowen Song’s Research featured on Forward Magazine, titled “The future of protective clothing is happening at Iowa State.”
11-18-2017 Yulin Wu’s project titled “A nano surface coating-Ag nanowires to improve thermal protection performance of three layers system in PPE” has been approved for funding by the AATCC Foundation.
10-10-2017 ICPC lab will have a paper, “Development of a numerical model to predict physiological strain of firefighter in fire hazard” to be published in scientific report, which is a good journal with impact factor about 4.2.
10-10-2017 ICPC research group will attend ICEE in Japan and ITAA conferences.
04-26-2016 Ames lab wants to make smarter clothes
04-01-2016 Guowen Song, $317 million ‘revolutionary’ fiber initiative outlined in Cedar Rapids Gazette story
04-01-2016 Iowa State a partner in new textile manufacturing institute