ICC 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting

We are happy to inform you that we have just launched the dedicated
website for the ICC2021 WEB conference: https://activenet-tv.jp/icc2021/
Real-time session:
Tuesday, June 29, 2021 at 21:00-24:00 JST 7:00-10:00 (CDT), 14:00-17:00 (CEST), 20:00-23:00(China, CST)
Meeting Week:
Sunday, June 20, 2021 to Saturday, 10 July, 2021 *On-demand presentation will be accessed during the meeting week.
The ICC2021 annual meeting will go completely virtual meeting jointly organized by Keio University Medical School and Osaka University
Join us virtually for the 2021 ICC annual meeting to connect with colleagues and learn about the latest findings of centenarian research.
The Real-time session will include:
Mark your calendar to attend from the comfort of your home, office, or wherever you choose!
Abstract Submission: Open April 1 to May 15, 2021
Online Registration: Open June 1, 2021
Registration fee approx. 2,500 YEN (≒24 USD or 20 EUR or 158 CNY)
We will offer student rate: approx. 1,000 YEN (≒9.6 USD or 8 EUR or 63 CNY).
We welcome on-demand online presentations of centenarian research in
various fields as pre-recorded presentations with PowerPoint slides and
audio / text only.
Topics of particular interest are:
- Demography of centenarians worldwide
- Microbiome in centenarians
- Genetics and epigenetics of longevity
- Cognitive function and brain aging: Clinical and pathological aspects
- Psychological aspect of centenarians
- New entries, new ideas, and new technology in centenarian research
Other areas of research are also welcome, as long as it is related to
We will offer the live presentation slot for outstanding young investigators / students and newly started research teams.
This site will be updated in the future and our specific programs will be
announced soon.
Detailed information on abstract submission and on-line registration will be send to the ICC members by e-mail in February 2021.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
The ICC2020 in Tokyo Organizing team; icc2020-group@keio.jp
We hope you will join us at ICC 2021 WEB conference!