Received the Miller Faculty Fellowship on Video Enhanced Observation

We received the Miller Faculty Fellowship with our project titled: “Video Enhanced Mobile Observation (VEO M-Observe): Mobile-App Supported Peer Observation and Feedback Pedagogy for Enhancing Preservice Teachers’ Reflective Practice”

Our team (Dr. Evrim Baran, Dr. EunJin Bahng & Ms. Dana AlZoubi) will develop an innovative pedagogy, VEO M-Observe, that integrates the video-enhanced mobile observation (VEO) app into reciprocal peer-teaching (RPT) in the “Teaching of Science” course offered to approximately 100 preservice science teachers each year. The purpose of this project is to develop and explore the potential of the VEO M-Observe pedagogy in enhancing preservice teachers’ peer-feedback and reflective practices. Ultimately, we aim at the transferability of the VEO M-Observe model in various disciplinary areas, within which an inquiry-based social learning approach is valued.